FAQ     (the answers are original by Alfons Ven)



“How can I order the 28 days-MSP?”

See this website => Desiree Care


“How to use the 28 days -MSP for babies?”

Crash the pellets, never use or touch metals. Wood, glass, ceramic are okay.

Put the powder in the mouth.


“Can I touch the pills?”

Yes, with dry hands.


“What time of the day is best to take the pills?”

You decide. Always around the same time, preferably before sleeping.


“I forgot a day to take what to do?”

Go further on where you left.


“Can I take other drugs, homeopathy, herbs etc.?”

There are no restrictions on the 28-days MSP.


“Can I pass with the 28-days MSP through the scan at the airport?”

No problem. The pills are working in the absolute.

Meaning, no interference from energies.


“Are coffee, mint, alcohol etc. allowed?”

Yes. No restrictions.


“Do I have to change my diet?”



“What about the supplements I take?”

Okay. But heavy metals are not recommended.


“Do you have a treatment for heavy metals?”

Yes, a special Boosted Mineral Water (BMW)


“Can I use the B.M.W. during the 28-days MSP?”

Yes. It is recommended in cases where drastic detoxifying is at order.


“Can I combine other Ven Products together also?”



“Can I order a 28-days MSP for somebody else?”



“I am a vegetarian, can I do the 28-days MSP?”

No problem.


“Is there an expiration date?”

The package kept closed and dry: no


“I am lactose intolerant can I use the 28-days MSP?”

Sure, the quantity over the 28 days is negligible

and the problem will be addressed anyhow.


“Are there any side effects?”



“What about reactions?”

That’s the purpose. Some go by unnoticed. Some remarkably.

Most people experience these around the 10th day.

Some persons think they catch the flu or a cold and in fact

it is a casting out reaction.


“What if the reactions do persist after the 28-days MSP?”

Go for Step 2 of the recommended Ven Protocol.



For many people a single 28-days MSP Step-1 is sufficient. If you feel that there are still some unresolved issues following the 28-days MSP Step-1 it is recommended to write an e-mail specifically identifying the unresolved issues and a 28-days MSP Step-2, personalized for your needs will be sent.

“What are the other steps?”

See this website: Ven Protocol


“What in case one has the impression the 28-days MSP did not help?”

Every pill works. When nothing seems to happen, it is usually on the physical level.

Remember that the 28-days MSP works on all the 12 aspects and is not a therapy per se.

Or it just may take time. Feel free to go for step-3.  


“What are the limitations of  the 28-days MSP?”

It will never go in against nature, nor your true nature.


“Does the 28-days MSP works for animals too?”

Certainly. Animals react even very fast on it.


“What to expect from the 28-days MSP?”

A leap forward from now to better on the path of completeness, is the ultimate goal.


“Can one ask just for a 28-days MSP without further questions?”

Sure. It happens all the time.


“Being in good health makes a 28-days MSP sense?”

Certainly. The aim is to become more complete.
The Vision works with 12 Aspects* addressing root problems.

Pitfalls. Invitation for growth and success.


* See this website => The 12 Aspects


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