IM: Immune-MSP

Contains all 12 aspects to bring body and mind into balance.

Supports in case of immune disorders such as rheumatism, psoriasis, M.E.,M.S.,ITP, cancer,…

Supports the constitution: congenital: for example arthrosis, osteoporosis…

Pathogens such as bacteria ,virus, bacillus,…disappear.

In case of deficiency of building blocks, the cells start to communicate internally and externally.


Purposefulness – regaining control over yourself


Tensions disappear

Lungs: you get more space, literally and figurative (you start to clear away)

Things from the past are cleared away (can be emotional)

Draining: toxins are discharged.



KWK: Child’s wish - MSP

When one tried already everything

Building blocks and constitution: also beneficial for the fetus

Emphasis lies on discharging the pathogens: SOA’s – miasma (always rejects the egg-cell)




Draining (discharges all waste from the uterus and the ovaries)

Fertility (makes the uterus and ovaries susceptible)

Can also be taken by the man to open the door to fatherhood



FEM (FEMALE): for the woman when the SHE dispenser does not work deep enough

Building blocks


(de-) mineralization

Hormonal regulation

Moods and mood swings ( loneliness; despair…)

Tension disappears

Menopausal symptoms (also vaginal discharge)

Lymph- draining and regulating the lymphatic system

Bloating and other female complaints as with” SHE”

All kinds of infections

Keeps you young



MIND: psyche: weakness of the nervous system, regain control over yourself…

Emphasis on fears, phobias, stress, mental weakness…

Burn-out :continue, continue and then breakdown

Better contact of the conscious with the unconscious

Tiredness – gloomy – negative thoughts

Too much pressure – gives mental strength

One becomes so strong that negativity is no longer admitted

Over reacting

Excited – ignoring physical signals

By grief – mourning – having to let go of a pet

With stage fright – exams – feeling overwhelmed

Personality and purpose become clear


DENTAL: before or after dental surgery

reinforces the bone , anti-infection, (de-)mineralization…

supports the metabolism of  metals

stimulates the (natural) immune system of the body cells

supports a fast recovery of mouth and jaw


Tip: during dental treatment as a  preparation for implants



HIPPO:  for horses  

The Hippo MSP is based on the Immune MSP but aimed at the problems horses can have:  tendons, stiffness, rheumatism, fears, nerves, change of home, ill-treatment in the past ,moods


Tip: continue with the FLEX – MSP



PET: for domestic animals

Based on the IM – MSP but focused on pets

eg. Introverted behavior, suspicious , damaged past

Aggression. Demolition. Cannot stay home alone

Anger, rage, frantic

Helps to move smoothly, joints are lubricated

Congenital degeneration

For wellbeing during pregnancy

Makes the animal less sensitive to stress


Tip: this way breeders get better lines



ZWANG: before and  during pregnancy

Building blocks and constitution for mother and foetus

Gives the baby in the womb lead in growth, also harmonious =>’’ another Ven – baby is born’’, recognizable by being firmer, sturdier, calmer and happier.

For well being during pregnancy




Based on the IM- MSP and recommended when there are pollen in the air

For all kind of allergies

When you have watering eyes

To breath freely through the nose

To breath in a relieved way!



PS: more severe cases (PSYCHOSIS // BIPOLAR // SCHIZ // BORDER LINE)

Based on the MIND-MSP

Gives mental resilience even when one is discouraged

Of great importance for the nervous system




Lack of attention

Anger, rage , hysterical


Being able to give space to the grief of loss

Stage fright – stress from exams- ‘’I won’t be able to do it’’

Not being able to be yourself in a group (clam up)

Personality and purpose become clear

Compulsions. Certain movements with hands and fingers

Prefers routine, habits should not be disturbed

Great attention for details. Good visual / spatial memory

Awkward in his movements




Rough and chapped skin - chapped spots
Has a positive effect on the liver and gall bladder
Purifies the skin
Protects the cells - personality - good for memory - destination orientation
Supports the metabolic balance of the metals and the resilience of the skin

Tip: Combine with Hydragel.




Extracts what is foreign from the skin
Has a positive effect on the liver and gall bladder
Constitutional congenital problems are cleared
Rapidly emerging outbreaks of explosive heat.
Protects the cells - personality - good for memory - destination orientation
Supports the metabolic balance of the metals and the resilience of the skin

Tip: Combine with Berberis.




Good for heart and blood vessels

Invigorating for the heart

Keeps the blood vessels flexible and elastic

For the care of blue vessels

Developmentally retarded especially with elderly people

Writing errors

Constantly sleepy – melancholic


Strengthens the nerves

Inner turmoil – worrying

Cleansing and supports the flow



Good support for allopathic drugs



DYS: Dyslexia

Coordination of left and right brain
Rapid build-up by deprivation of young people
Brooding in silence - not communicative
Personality and purpose become clear
You find yourself



AZR: Alzheimer and dementia

I order to stay ‘’right up to date’’

More quality of life

Uplifting – more alert

Keeps the mind clear

Less tearful

Beneficial for the blood pressure

Strengthens the nerves

Less mumbling – incoherent talking – anger – rage – hysteria

Indifferent – listless – confused

Very positive



PT: Prostate

Good for the prostate

For a strong bladder – a good fluid balance and a good bladder function

Mental balance – helps positive thinking

Cleansing and flowing

Strengthens the nerves


Supports the immune system



STU: Student


In case of mental exhaustion / orders the mind

- Improves the concentration and clears the consciousness

- Builds up the central nervous system

- Feeds the brain

- Growth: not only physical but also harmonious (gives a broader outlook on life)

- Sets at rest / deeper sleep

- Personality becomes clear

- The energy flows

- Less tired, more energy

- Sense of being wronged (cannot take injustice)

- Cannot take the coarseness of others (Calimero-effect)

- When you are pestered (for your looks, your origin, your religion…)

- Gives decisiveness /willpower / vitality

- Activates the bloodstream ( in favor of the absorption of oxygen)  

- Brings you back in balance

- Skin problems during puberty

- Learns one when to talk and when to be silent, when to say “yes” and when to say ‘no’

- When to act and when not

- In case of fear of failure

- For hyperkinetic children

- Reinforces the nervous system

- Equalizes the score

- For children who develop slowly

- When you cannot remember anything / cannot put your thoughts into words        

- Examinations

- Forgetfulness

- Overworked



FLEX: muscles – joints – pain

For flexibility and moving smoothly

Stiff muscles when one gets up

Keeps the joints supple

When there is continuous load on hands, wrists, elbows, neck and shoulders

Lack of building stones.

Keeps you young. Beneficial influence on geriatric symptoms



SENSI: for hypersensitive and highly sensitive persons

Weak nerves => sounds – spheres – smells


Gives more space

By stress / strain ( as a circumstance ,as by a stress situation )

By exam stress or great mental effort

Continuous studying





After  an atlas-treatment , when the atlas is blocked and stiff

Provides structure and creates order (Salt of the Earth)

Supports heart and blood vessels

Beneficial effect on circulation
Prevents hunger by keeping blood sugar levels normal
Increases the resistance of the organism
Nerve strengthening
Melancholy thoughts
Stiff muscles when getting up

For good bone production

Brings balance to

- The substance in the body that regulates the body processes

- The vegetative functions

- Mental disturbances


RLS:  Restless Legs Syndrome

With tired legs (and feet)
For efficient oxygen transport
Promotes the absorption of iron in the blood
Improves circulation
Beneficial to smooth veins
Nerve strengthening



PRK: Parkinson

Higher quality of life
Good for heart and blood vessels
Invigorating for the heart
Keeps blood vessels flexible and elastic

Beneficial effect on aging symptoms

Good for memory, talking and walking

Stiff, strained muscles

Gives peace and quiet when gloomy and melancholy

Good for hearing

Good for the coordination and orientation of movement


DAIB: diabetic

Regulation of sugar and oxygen metabolism / glucose metabolism
Beneficial effect on heart and blood vessels
Improves circulation
Good for vision – good for  hands and feet and kidneys
Promotes the absorption of iron in the blood
Deprivation (especially with very old people)
For a clear mind
Nerve strengthening - organizes the mind
Improves concentration - clears the mind
For maintaining healthy cells and tissues
Stools, detoxifying




MNR:  Meniere disease

Good for hearing

Beneficial effect on heart and blood vessels

Improves circulation

Improves memory

Deprivation (especially with very old people)

Strengthens the nerves

Maintains a normal blood pressure

Beneficial for supple veins

Supports the development of nerve cells



TITIS: Inflammations

Self-care in periods of recovery and during times where the body is defending itself against foreign organisms, in which the white blood cells surround the threatening  intruder.

Aspect Fire




DIDA:  Constipation

Stools, detoxifying
Supports stomach and intestines
For a good balance between good and bad bacteria in the intestines
Belly like a drum
Lack of appetite or eats well and still stays thin
Inner turmoil - worrying
On menopausal symptoms
Supports the immune system



CHIM: based on the IM-MSP

Support during chemotherapy

Lyme disease


The cells are cleaned, become less polluted

Supports the cleansing of  liver, gall bladder, pancreas, kidneys
Promotes fitness
Provides more decisiveness and above all quality of life
Contains all 12 aspects to bring mind and body into balance
Stimulates the immune system and the constitution
Cleanses  the body, keeps you young
Personality and purpose become clear
Beneficial effect on sleep function
Helps with mental pressure and effort
One gets more space, literally and figuratively (one starts to clean up)
Things from the past are cleared (can be emotional)
See text "Discovery of the Salt of the Earth"




Post-accident / Post-surgery
Prevents complications - heals faster - even the subtle bodies
In recovery periods
Psychological and physical trauma
Goes back to the distant past
Supports the cleansing of the liver - bile - pancreas - kidney (eg after anesthesia or other chemical administrations)
Supports the resilience of the skin
For building bones / skeleton




Respiratory health
For an efficient breathing
To breathe more freely
Provides relief to the bronchial tubes
Weak nerves => sounds - spheres - smells
Provides balance to the subconscious => all kinds of pressure
For maintaining healthy cells and tissues

Asthma –  aspect Space

A compilation of the 3 best cures, made by Alfons for the lungs.

See interview : ‘’Regain Control over Yourself’’




Support in case of exhaustion-symptoms as: severe fatigue, weeping for no reason, irritability, weak nerves, by undermining one’s health through nursing sick people too long.

By night shifts and / or too little relaxation.

After moving and / or (re-) building a house.

If  you have not enough insights and decisiveness to make a new start.

In case that  grief is the cause of an energy blockade.



Promotes the absorption of iron in the blood

Beneficial effect on the sleep function




Nose - throat- ears

Beneficial for the hearing

Blocked  Eustachian tube – hardening of the membrane

Beneficial influence on the circulation till in the smallest tangle of little veins

Anti-bacterial action

Irritated mucous membranes , softens the mucosa

Stabbing pains and ringing in the ears

Trouble in the middle ear and the auditory canals (otitis)

Inner turmoil => middle ear and auditory canals





Hormones in balance – problems at the change of life

Possibly as a Step 2 after the FEM

Hot flushes to such an extent  that FEM or SHE do not help


Tendency to gloomy thoughts – too emotional

Disturbance of the sleep trough unbalanced hormones

Hair loss

Promotes the absorption of iron in the blood

Grounding effect

Heaviness of the organs in the lower abdomen – weak bladder


Irregular menstruation and /or for weeks on end

Instability of the pelvis -  problems of the back

When sitting in the sun or drinking a glass of wine causes headaches

Gives the proper attention that you deserve




All old people’s complaints as running eyes- worrying about others- high or low sugar level, pains and stiffness everywhere

Cleaning of the veins

Gloomy thoughts – hardened and blunt people

Osteoarthritis – osteoporosis – creaking joints

Prevents the feeling of hunger by keeping blood sugar levels normal

Deterioration – symphony of old age – stiff and rigid ( also mentally )

Not being able to find words

Improves memory


Gives mental strength

Promotes bowel function

Dizziness by movement

For flexible joints


Worrying about others (health)




Strengthens the intestinal flora

For a good balance between good and bad bacteria in the intestines

Bowel movement, helps the digestion of lactose in the intestines

Promotes absorption of iron, minerals and vitamins

Positive effect on the liver and gallbladder

Sweat secretion becomes odorless

Promotes a natural, healthy sleep

Brightens one

Makes one emotionally stronger

Gives one new decisiveness



Strengthens the vitality


Gives joy of life




Difficulty to talk

Natural tranquilizer

Improves concentration

Keeps the mind clear

Promotes the speed of reaction

Contributes to the development of the brain

Good for the coordination





A splendid cure if as a woman you feel misunderstood, lonely, alone with your daily problems, waiting for your partner to come home

- Functioning independently

- Brings balance into stressful situations with partner

- Less blaming others

- Cleansing of body and mind

- Provides a sense of satisfaction and positive thoughts

- More efficient financially

- Gives a lot of innovation , ideas and decisiveness

- Feeling like wanting to start studying or to take action





A fine cure for babies and children

Contributes to the development of the brain

To go to sleep easier

Spend the night quiet and dry

Supports in case of teething

Promotes growth (also harmonious)

Little Sunshine in the house





Promotes the absorption of iron in the blood
Promotes absorption of minerals and vitamins
For efficient oxygen transport
Protects from rapid aging
Keeps your look fresh and youthful


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